Note: Do not worry about the syllabus sequence. Many students have different syllabus. We do not follow the syllabus in a linear sequence. Every 1 or 2 weeks we will discuss together with all the students in each class which chapter to cover in the following week. Topics will be covered according to the student's syllabus in the school.
'O' Level / IP
Section | Topic | Sec 3 / IP 3 [Pure only] - Pure Physics only |
Measurement | 1 | Physical Quantities, Units and Measurement |
Newtonian Mechanics | 2 | Kinematics |
3 | Dynamics | |
4 | Mass, Weight and Density | |
5 | Turning Effect of Forces | |
6 | Pressure | |
7 | Energy, Work and Power | |
Thermal Physics | 8 | Kinetic Model of Matter |
9 | Transfer of Thermal Energy | |
10 | Temperature [Pure only] | |
11 | Thermal Properties of Matter | |
Waves | 12 | General Wave Properties |
13 | Light | |
14 | Electromagnetic Spectrum | |
15 | Sound | |
Section | Topic | Sec 4 / IP 4 [Pure only] - Pure Physics only |
Electricity and Magnetism | 16 | Static Electricity |
17 | Current Electricity | |
18 | D.C. Circuits | |
19 | Practical Electricity | |
20 | Magnetism | |
21 | Electromagnetism | |
22 | Electromagnetic Induction [Pure only] | |
Revisions | Revisions | O Level / IP Preparation
'A' Level / IP
Section | Topic | JC 1 / IP 5 |
Measurement | 1 | Measurement |
Newtonian Mechanics | 2 | Kinematics |
3 | Dynamics | |
4 | Forces | |
5 | Work, Energy and Power | |
6 | Motion in a Circle | |
7 | Gravitational Field | |
Thermal Physics | 8 | Temperature and Ideal Gases |
9 | First Law of Thermodynamics | |
Oscillation and Waves | 10 | Oscillations |
11 | Wave Motion | |
12 | Superposition | |
Term | Topic | JC 2 / IP 6 |
Electricity and Magnetism | 13 | Electric Fields |
14 | Current of Electricity | |
15 | D.C. Circuits | |
16 | Electromagnetism | |
17 | Electromagnetic Induction | |
18 | Alternating Current | |
Modern Physics | 19 | Quantum Physics |
20 | Nuclear Physics | |
Revisions | Revisions | A Level / IP Preparation
IGCSE (Core / Extended)
Topic | Chapter | IGCSE 9 |
General physics |
1.1 | Length and time |
1.2 | Motion | |
1.3 | Mass and weight | |
1.4 | Density | |
1.5 | Forces | |
1.6 | Momentum | |
1.7 | Energy, work and power | |
1.8 | Pressure | |
Thermal physics |
2.1 | Simple kinetic molecular model of matter |
2.2 | Thermal properties and temperature | |
2.3 | Thermal processes | |
Waves Light Sound |
3.1 | General wave properties |
3.2 | Light | |
3.3 | Electromagnetic spectrum | |
3.4 | Sound | |
Topic | Chapter | IGCSE 10 |
Electricity Magnetism |
4.1 | Simple phenomena of magnetism |
4.2 | Electrical quantities | |
4.3 | Electric circuits | |
4.4 | Digital electronics | |
4.5 | Dangers of electricity | |
4.6 | Electromagnetic effects | |
Atomic physics |
5.1 | The nuclear atom |
5.2 | Radioactivity | |
Revisions | Revisions | IGCSE 9 and 10
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Core | Topic | Chapter | Descriptions |
Measurements Uncertainties |
1.1 | Measurements in physics |
1.2 | Uncertainties and errors | |
1.3 | Vectors and scalars | |
Mechanics | 2.1 | Motion |
2.2 | Forces | |
2.3 | Work, energy and power | |
2.4 | Momentum and impulse | |
Thermal Physics |
3.1 | Thermal concepts |
3.2 | Modelling a gas | |
Waves | 4.1 | Oscillations |
4.2 | Travelling waves | |
4.3 | Wave characteristics | |
4.4 | Wave behaviour | |
4.5 | Standing waves | |
Electricity Magnetism |
5.1 | Electric fields |
5.2 | Heating effect of electric currents | |
5.3 | Electric cells | |
5.4 | Magnetic effects of electric currents | |
Circular Motion Gravitation |
6.1 | Circular motion |
6.2 | Newton’s law of gravitation | |
Atomic Nuclear Particle Physics |
7.1 | Discrete energy and radioactivity |
7.2 | Nuclear reactions | |
7.3 | The structure of matter | |
Energy Production |
8.1 | Energy sources |
8.2 | Thermal energy transfer | |
Additional higher level (AHL) | Topic | Chapter | Descriptions |
Wave Phenomena |
9.1 | Simple harmonic motion |
9.2 | Single-slit diffraction | |
9.3 | Interference | |
9.4 | Resolution | |
9.5 | Doppler effect | |
Fields | 10.1 | Describing fields |
10.2 | Fields at work | |
Electromagnetic Induction |
11.1 | Electromagnetic induction |
11.2 | Power generation and transmission | |
11.3 | Capacitance | |
Quantum and Nuclear Physics |
12.1 | The interaction of matter with radiation |
12.2 | Nuclear physics | |
Options | Topic | Chapter | Core |
A: Relativity | A.1 | The beginnings of relativity |
A.2 | Lorentz transformations | |
A.3 | Spacetime diagrams | |
Additional higher level | ||
A.4 | Relativistic mechanics (HL only) | |
A.5 | General relativity (HL only) | |
B: Engineering Physics |
B.1 | Rigid bodies and rotational dynamics |
B.2 | Thermodynamics | |
Additional higher level | ||
A.3 | Fluids and fluid dynamics (HL only) | |
A.4 | Forced vibrations and resonance (HL only) | |
C: Imaging | C.1 | Introduction to imaging |
C.2 | Imaging instrumentation | |
C.3 | Fibre optics | |
Additional higher level | ||
C.4 | Medical imaging (HL only) | |
D: Astrophysics | D.1 | Stellar quantities |
D.2 | Stellar characteristics and stellar evolution | |
D.3 | Cosmology | |
Additional higher level | ||
D.4 | Stellar processes (HL only) | |
D.5 | Further cosmology (HL only) |